‘ello mates

♥ greetings from new york ♥

living on long island isn't so bad, really. i mean, look at this view!

living on long island isn't so bad, really. i mean, look at this view!

I’m Kerri, the newest blogging virgin. It’s like a Whopper Virgin, but a lot less tasty. Join me as a fight my way through the jungle of emerging media, one week at a time. We’ll look at the world of blogging (hey! I’m a part of that now!), social networking, RSS Feeds, podcasts, and (my personal favorite) Twitter.

Before we get there, how about taking a second to get to know me? Here are a few key points you should know:

  • I love coffee. Well, that’s putting it mildly. It’s more like a slight obsession- I have to consume many many many cups a day to feel human.

doesn't that just make you feel all warm and cozy?

doesn't that just make you feel all warm and cozy?

don't those eyes just melt your heart?

don't those eyes just melt your heart?

  • My dog is like my child. We’ve had Lola since last March, and since then she’s been my constant companion. I like to call her my “study buddy” because anytime I start reading or doing schoolwork she immediately jumps on my lap (or the book, whichever is more inconvenient). She’s a good girl, and I can’t picture my life without her!
my "study buddy"

my "study buddy"

  • I’m just starting to get into photography. I got a Nikon D40 for Christmas, so I’ve been super-excited to take it out and start shooting away, regardless of the subject. Everything I cook gets documented, (almost) every move Lola makes is photographed, and my poor family has become my not-so-ecstatic models on many occasions. If you’re ever feeling bored, feel free to take a gander at some of my pics on Flickr!
  • I love cooking and baking. Whenever I have a spare moment (which doesn’t look like it will happen too often during this term, judging by the syllabus!), I like to whip something up. I love trying new recipes, much to my boyfriend’s dismay, as he is a “steak-and-potatoes, don’t give me anything new, get that goat cheese away from my plate” kinda guy.
pumpkin muffins!

my latest creation: pumpkin muffins!

thanks for stopping by my little clovers of joy. ♣


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  1. Loved it Kerri… Lots off content. Great job, I’m sure to be back

  2. Clover of Joy?? lol. I LOVE it! I’ll be back next post!

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